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Homecare Instructions

Homecare Instructions

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Home Care Instructions
For Healthy Teeth And Gums

Although we recommend a full dental cleaning twice a year, preventative dentistry starts at home. Below is how you can keep your teeth and gums in the best condition at home.

Let’s start with the obvious: brushing. The act of brushing your teeth removes plaque (bacteria). Plaque is very bad because once it comes in contact with food it produces acid, which creates cavities. You should be brushing at least twice a day. Contrary to popular belief, do not brush your teeth immediately after eating. Wait about 30 minutes because acid in your food softens enamel. If you don’t wait, you risk removing enamel before it hardens again.

Your Brushing Process
  • Add about a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your brush.
  • Point the brush at a 45-degree angle against the gum line. Do not push too hard to flatten the bristles. Remember, the tips of the brush clean the teeth
  • Begin moving the brush in a small circular motion, and move across each tooth individually. Get in the spaces between the teeth as well as along the gum line.
  • Repeat the same process for the inside of the teeth against the tongue.
  • For the inside of the front teeth, angle the brush up-and-down, then move your brush in small circles.
  • Now focus on the tops of the teeth. Your goal is to get into the grooves of the tooth.
  • You can brush your tongue with your brush, but we do suggest a specialized scraped for that.
  • Spit, and rinse your mouth out.
  • And, don’t forget to replace your brush every three to four months!
Your Rinsing Process

Our goal with mouthwash is to remove more bacteria. Yes, it does freshen your breath, but it kills bacteria that cause plaque and gum disease.

  • Simply swish the wash around your mouth for 30-60 seconds.
  • You don’t have to gargle if you don’t want to, but it is the fun part.
Your Flossing Process
  • Floss at least once a day. If you only floss once, do it at night to make sure all food is out before you go to bed.
  • Remove a 12-18 inch piece of floss and wrap it around your middle fingers. Leave one-inch of floss to push between teeth
  • Using the index fingers to guide, place the floss between your teeth. Don’t push too hard into the gums
  • Push the floss up and down. It should make a C-shape around your tooth
  • Move the used floss to a new section as needed
  • If you feel comfortable using a water pick, please do so. Simply move the pick back to front and going around each tooth individually. Your goal is to get the gum line, top grooves, and in between the teeth clear of anything left behind.
  • Oils such as eucalyptol, menthol, and tea tree can be swished around the mouth to kelp kill bacteria naturally.
  • Baking soda cut with water is also a great option for brush cleaning. However, don’t forget to cut it with water or you risk burning your gums.
Your Flossing Process
  • Floss at least once a day. If you only floss once, do it at night to make sure all food is out before you go to bed.
  • Remove a 12-18 inch piece of floss and wrap it around your middle fingers. Leave one-inch of floss to push between teeth.
  • Using the index fingers to guide, place the floss between your teeth. Don’t push too hard into the gums.
  • Push the floss up and down. It should make a C-shape around your tooth.
  • Move the used floss to a new section as needed.
Eat Right

Good healthy eating will help keep your teeth and gums strong.

  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Avoid starches and sugar like candy, cake, pie, gum, crackers, chips, and even dried fruits and nuts.

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